Death roads then and now

I was riding a bike. Which was great! How does that sound ?: 56 kilometers in two sections, starting at 4670 meters, ending at 1200 meters (across the climate zones from andin to jungle), so let it roll for hours (well, slow down a lot), the first 20 kilometers on asphalt (overtake the trucks), then 36 kilometers on the gravel road. That's the one who ...

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La Paz, Bolivia

Somehow Bolivia works a bit differently than Peru. This was already apparent at the time of entry, which was probably the relaxed border control I have experienced so far. Actually, it's like a big market ... Roadside stands, people walking around, the cars squeezing through. Somewhere is a cottage where you can find the exit stamp for Peru ...


Arequipa revisited

Before I leave Peru for the moment, let's take a look at some local things that have not been mentioned before: - Otherwise culinary not a high-end country, the Peruvians have developed a sense of sweetness. In a country where the shabbiest bar of chocolate in the supermarket costs 2.70 euros (see photo below), one likes to avoid cute particles: fruit plaice, Choco Cheese Cakes or ...