• Post category:Germany / Orga

About the blog and me

This is not an intimate diary ... And I hope nobody expects that!

The blog is supposed to make it easier for a few people who are important to me (and maybe vice versa) to follow my path and me.

So what you can expect:
The answer to the question 'What are you doing right now and where?' - as well as a small selection of photos!

Sollte hier mal eine Weile nix erscheinen, dann ist das kein Grund zur Sorge… Mich könnte einfach nur die Lust auf’s Posten verlassen haben 😉
Whenever you feel like it: contact me via the channels you know!

About me (if you don't know me better anyway):
I'm Matthias (in English just 'Matt' is easier), I enjoy throwing (and catching) Frisbees and I enjoy traveling. And music is an important thing.
After a few years of work, I got the possibility of a sabbatical. I want to spend this year mostly with traveling.

In fact, I'm not looking for the meaning of life (I consider myself a pretty happy person in everyday life as well) but simply live out my curiosity while traveling. I love to challenge myself a bit in the distance and in foreign cultures. And I love to be out and about, and enjoy nature where I get new, intense experiences.

Some of the countries I have visited in previous years include: Australia, Ghana, Malaysia (Borneo), Uganda, USA, Ecuador and, of course, most European countries, as Europeans.

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