One of the many tantalizing volcanoes around San Pedro I wanted to climb then but still. I opted for the Toco, which is considered simple, but with 5600 meters, at least in terms of height technology is a challenge. Lo and behold: obviously, the long stay at altitude has brought something ... I had zero problems to get there! Finally I was able to look at the Licanbur from a little bit further up.
Since I will probably make it unlikely in my life higher than 5604 meters: contrary to my habit the summit photo (with the two Swiss, with whom I was traveling). And why does nobody tell me that I was the only one who forgot to take off the helmet for the photo? Does this look silly ... But I like to monkey ?
In any case, that was a great feeling up there!
I would like to tackle the Sairecabur (5973 meters) the next day, as fit and acclimatised as I just felt ... But Chile is pissed and you have to set priorities ?
Instead, although I'm a veteran skier, I put myself on a snowboard for the first time ... albeit on sand! First we cycled with wheels and shouldered snowboards into the Valle del Marte (the street dogs of the place for miles in tow), then up on the largest dune (which is by far the most strenuous part) and then down. Below is a video of my third boarding ever. If I make a monkey with this blog entry, then right!