• Post category:Malaysia

Back on Borneo

Now I am in Borneo (in the Malaysian state of Sabah), which means that I have become a repeat offender since I was here in 2014.

But there are many good reasons for a return visit:
- The Borneo Headhunters Hat, an Ultimate Tournament I've always wanted to do since I first came here.
- Too many exciting goals, especially in the rainforest, which I could not visit at that time.
- And Marieke arrived very spontaneously (flight booking one week before departure!) From Hannover to explore the area with me (and also to play the tournament).

First I was allowed to enjoy the hospitality of Julia (together with co-driver Bailey - see photo - and the other Matt ?) for a few days including a short tour to the foot of the Kinabalu.
Then came the really sensationally organized tournament in Kota Kinabalu, including many people from my Boracay team.

And then finally the tour began with the visit of Sepilok, a well known destination for animal welfare and nature tourism.
Most notably known is the rehabilitation center for orangutans who were or were "found" in captivity.
Orangutans are now only on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo, they are considered to be at risk.
In addition, there is a protection center for the "sun bears", which, however, are much more widespread. The Malay bears are the smallest bear species in the world. Even if they do not get bigger than 140cm, you do not want to risk a fight just looking at the claws ...
Last but not least a night walk where we or our guides unfortunately could not discover too much animal. But the atmosphere was worth it. And once see squirrels, which fall from 50 -meter-high rainforest giants and then spread their bodies and slide ... Oh, that's why the genus is actually called "Gleithörnchen"! In any case, you feel right in the nature when you walk down the street and suddenly a snake dangles in the tree above your own head ... (See photo)

Although I was already happy about my praise for my Handyknipsen photos .... Unfortunately, wildlife photography does not work with the cameras of three-year-old smartphone models. Therefore only for low yield, sorry ...

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Antje

    A lot of fun and kind regards - I am now finally up-to-date (and in another life the flight to New Zealand is already booked - Borneo with the snakes would not let me sleep ...)

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