• Post category:Australia


On my unexpectedly long stay in Melbourne, I made the most of the benefits of a 5 million First World city! I had a great time! (But today nothing for those interested in photography, I just took snapshots here and there.)

What did I do?

- With last-minute tickets the musical, Evita 'seen in the State Theater! For 20 euros a top musical ... In Germany, this remains a dream.

- Visit the State Library! An impressive building with access for everyone and everything: smart, me, international newspapers, new and old books and chess.

- The National Gallery Viktoria (NGV) visited! Hours fly by ... Absolute recommendation!

- Visited the Melbourne Museum! My first visit to a natural history museum for a long time has beamed me straight into my childhood. Skeletons of dinosaurs and a blue whale, real mummified Dino eggs, fossils, minerals (Stones from Mars ...) - great fun!

- Finally seen in the cinema, Bohemian Rhapsody! During the credits, my eyes were wet and wet. Not because of the quality of the film, but because I realized how much the music of Queen has meant to me so far in my life. If you want to discuss the details and the quality of the film with me, you are cordially invited!

- Many more Städter things made: Filmmuseum, pop music exhibition, botanical garden, eat well ...

- admired the strange architectural mix. Here, listed buildings from the penultimate century are simply converted into high-rise buildings and then stand around in their entrance hall.

- attended a concert with West African drumming with Ellie and others! It immediately reminded me of my own drumming and the trip to Ghana. Great! I just felt like changing my route immediately ...

But I still stay in the area here.

Thanks again to the wonderful Baker Street!

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